Why Choose Fast Fit?

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I answer a lot of questions about Fast Fit everyday, but my most frequently asked question is:

 “Why should I come to Fast Fit?

The answers might surprise you…

image lose fat not weight

Most of us want to lose weight. We want to lose fat. Everyone has a different body type. Some of us are very much overweight, some of us are underweight, but almost all of us have pockets of fat that we cannot lose. So no matter what that is, no matter if you’re wearing fat all over your body or just in certain parts of your body, it is all about fat loss and not as much about weight loss. Yes, fat has weight, it goes hand in hand, but it’s more about shrinking the stubborn fat and improving muscle mass. Now, wait a second, I just say muscle mass. I’m not talking about getting a bodybuilder physique, but what I’m talking about is as we age, the best insurance policy we could have for our health is increased muscle mass and increased bone mass.

Muscle mass and bone mass protects us, so we want to maintain or increase both. The more muscle we have actually, the faster the metabolism we have. So people come to Fast Fit initially to look better, but what they don’t understand is their health and their looks go hand in hand. To look your best on the outside you must look your best on the inside.

Why Fast Fit? | Lose "Dangerous" Fat

A quick education before I move on. There are two major types of fat in the body; visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is the fat you can’t pinch that lives beneath your abdominal wall and behind your rib cage . Subcutaneous fat is the fat that’s under the skin that you can grab a hold of or pinch. While this is the obvious fat most of us are familiar with, Visceral fat is the kind we don’t even realize we have. We blame the health or shape we have on a large liver, or maybe some deformity we have in our midsection. It is fat. Visceral fat causes us to lose our shape, and to get that bulging midsection.

Beyond just losing our shape, visceral fat starts destroying our health. It starts producing a lot of inflammation and it actually works as an organ that attacks our body. When we have increased inflammation, we have increased estrogen, specifically the worst type of estrogen production. So, it basically poisons our body on a day-to-day basis.

I know there’s a lot of frustration! Most people go day-in and day-out thinking, “I’ve done the right things, I’ve done everything possible, I’ve tried a million things.”

It’s very common for me to talk to clients that tell me that they’ve tried 20 or 30 different programs in the past, whether it’s a diet or exercise program.

Visceral Fat in the body

Let’s briefly discuss diets. Eating healthy is great for you, it’s great for your health. A diet doesn’t have to be calorie restriction. It doesn’t have to be starvation. A diet under my definition is what you eat….or in other words, what you eat is ‘your diet’.  Looking at it this way makes ‘dieting’ and ‘healthy eating’ very simple! 

I always try to talk about the “two shot swing”. Let’s take away one food that’s very harmful to our body add something that is great for our body. Just by doing this one thing you have a healthier diet.  Simply getting rid of one thing and adding one thing, or maybe even modifying your favorite dish can make a huge difference in your lifestyle. It’s baby steps.  

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I know another frustration I hear from people is, “well I don’t have the energy. I don’t even have the energy to get up in the morning. I don’t have the energy to walk around the house. I have no energy.” I understand completely! And there’s a reason we don’t have energy. It has a little to do with our metabolism, but it has more to do with cellular hydration.

Cellular Hydration

Cellular hydration is basically the blood flow to the cells in your body. So every cell in your body depends on blood. Blood carries, hydration, nutrition, and oxygen. If we get those three things, magic happens and we have energy. But what happens is our cells become less permeable. As we age, as we sit around more, our blood flow decreases. So we normally get the blood flow to the cells, but the cells don’t even accept what little blood flow that we offer. So at Fast Fit, we want you to look your best on the outside, but also on your inside because that’s the only way you’re going to get permanent results.

Why Fast Fit? | Change Your Life

We think of Fast Fit as a bridge. We’re a bridge for that person that sees their shape or health improvement to be impossible. They don’t have the energy to do anything, and maybe even given up hope.

In just two weeks at Fast Fit you’re going to feel that energy. You’re going to have increased blood flow. You’re going to feel it in just two weeks and now you’re going to have the energy to do a few things. And when you do a few things and improve your diet a little bit, you’re going to improve your health

Why Fast Fit? | Improve Your Health

Your health right now is more important than ever because you need your immune system to be at its optimum. You know our health and immune systems go hand in hand. So if you want to boost your immune system, let’s get our body looking good from the inside out. And that’s exactly what we do at Fast Fit. We use technology and are technology based. We are not a workout system. We are not on a diet plan. We are a technology based system that works with the synergistic effect of combining technology, healthy eating, and a little bit of exercise.

Free Educational Consultation

Come on in for a free educational consultation! We’re going to educate you when you come in. We’re gonna show you a comprehensive body analysis of yourself. We’re going to give you the blueprint of what’s happening on the inside of your body right now. We’re going to show you how we can help you improve that, and we’re going to get you those results that you want. We guarantee it. To schedule your free educational consultation

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DISCLAIMER* The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. Each person is different and one person’s success is no guarantee of results. IMPORTANT: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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