What is Fast Fit Body Sculpting?

Fast Fit Body Sculpting is focused on the goal to lose fat. Yes, fat. Here at Fast Fit we focus on reducing the amount of fat in the body, especially visceral fat, and not just the weight.


To do this, Fast Fit uses patent-pending low level laser therapy technology that targets stubborn fat in hard to reach areas and all around the body. Yes, this includes all of the places where we want to lose fat from like the stomach, hips, thighs, face, and arms. All of this is done without the need for surgery, fad diets, or straining your body at the gym.

Low Level Laser Therapy?

Low Level Laser Therapy uses low levels of light that stimulate the body without heating up the body to a harmful degree. Instead, this low amount of light will stimulate the body’s healing process, thus promoting regeneration of the cells.


This is helpful in focusing on visceral fat, the fat that hides beneath and around our organs which is the root of the problem.


Fast Fit uses a proven, patent-pending system to target stubborn fat. It reduces troubled areas like the stomach, hips, thighs, and arms. We do this by opening the pores on the fat cells causing the release of fatty acids to be metabolized through natural bodily functions. The light stimulates fibroblasts, strengthening the collagen and elastin fibers to tighten and tone the skin. This promotes the reduction of sagginess, rolls, or crepey skin.

Why fat loss?

Fat loss is the ultimate goal for someone who wants to “lose weight”. Losing weight is completely possible, there is no doubt about that. However, where is the weight coming from? Is the weight lost coming from the areas you wanted to lose?


If your goal is to lose weight in general, you can choose to eat less, but this will only lead to unflattering results both in appearance and in health. This is because eating less can lead to a loss of muscle tissue, bone mass, and hydration. Of course, losing these will definitely reduce the weight, but the fat stays.

Is Fast Fit a diet?

No, Fast Fit Body Sculpting is not a diet plan. On the contrary, Fast Fit frowns upon the use of diets for the purpose of weight loss as it sometimes leads to gaining more weight. Fast Fit’s Fat Loss Technology System is able to target visceral fat around the body without the need to starve yourself.

Is Fast Fit a gym?

No, Fast Fit Body Sculpting is not a gym. Through experience, gyms have not been the end all solution to our weight problems. If they were, there would not be a need to stay in one for years and years to see minimal results. However, at Fast Fit, the technology in use quickens the process and allows you to be in “fat burning mode” right after your session, which will lead you to lose fat and nothing else like muscle, bone mass, or hydration!

Is Fast Fit Surgery?

No, Fast Fit Body Sculpting is not surgery and does not involve any surgical procedures. Fast Fit’s Fat Loss Technology is a non-invasive process that leaves no scarring, no pain, and there is absolutely no downtime—you can simply walk out the door, burning fat, right after your sessions.


That’s right.

Eating less, or dieting, will not result in fat loss.

Why you lose muscle, not fat

Eating less will not cause fat loss. It might seem easy to think that if you stop eating, you will lose fat, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case.


The body prefers to hang on to fat and is more readily willing to burn muscle tissue for energy. Only as a last resort, the body will then decide to burn some fat to keep functioning.

The reason why our body burns muscle tissue before it gets to the fat is because muscle tissue uses up a lot of calories. In this way, if there is less muscle tissue, which burns a lot of calories, the body can survive for longer.


On top of it all, this will cause the body to deteriorate further and our figure will suffer. Having less muscle means that our bodies are made up of more fat than muscle. Now, the body’s new baseline for how much food we need has been lowered and if it ever goes above that, the body will produce more fat to compensate for the extra calories.

Why is under-eating bad in the long run?

In the long run, under-eating will only lead to gaining more weight and gaining more fat for the reasons explained above.


If you eat less, your body will begin to starve, which will cause the body to seek out nutrition from other sources, such as our muscle tissue. When we have less muscle, our bodies now have more fat.


Lastly, once we begin to eat more again, our bodies now determine that this is too much food and thus creates more fat to store the excess calories or fuel.

Side effects of having excess body fat

Having excess fat can lead to a variety of complications to our health, overall well being, and physical appearance.




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The world was thrown into confusion and fear in the events of 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic made its way across the globe and to this day, we continue to feel the effects of the virus. Fortunately, scientists and a myriad of medical professionals have raced to find out more about the disease and how it can be treated.


According to the Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy (CJRT), Low Level Laser Therapy (a term we use to describe our Fast Fit Technology). CJRT states that Low Level Laser Therapy can be a solace and comfort for those who are currently going through the painful recovery of COVID-19.

What are the benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy?

For years I have been touting the health benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy, or Fast Fit Technology, and now the Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy agrees by stating these benefits:

Benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy

What is Low Level Laser Therapy?

Low level laser therapy is a noninvasive technology approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. It utilizes a combination of visible and invisible red light frequencies which has been successful in relieving pain, reducing cellulite, hair growth, body contouring, reduces inflammation, increases microcirculation, and to stimulate the body’s regenerative processes. 


All in all, this is a process that does not require surgery, there is zero downtime, and there are no notable side effects.

How does LLLT help with COVID-19?

COVID-19 appears to affect both the upper and lower respiratory airways. This process involves the lungs being clogged up with fluid, dead cells, and other debris as the infection progresses. In response to the virus, as Mokmeli and Vetrici report, our “immune system attacks the virus causing inflammation and fever. In severe cases, the immune system goes wild, causing more damage to the lungs than the actual virus.”


This inflammation and severe response from our immune system is what LLLT can help to reduce by alleviating the pain and inflammation before the virus and our body can cause irreparable damage.

How Fast Fit Body Sculpting uses LLLT?

While our clients have been coming to Fast Fit for the goal of reducing fat and losing weight, they are also experiencing life changing health benefits like increased energy and stamina, ease of movement, less inflammation, faster metabolism, increased blood flow, lower metabolic age, stronger immune system—just to name a few of the benefits of what Fast Fit Body Sculpting can offer.

6 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight

fast fit 6 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight body sculpting weight loss fat loss red light therapy

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Everyone can always benefit from a bit of a push and encouragement to do something, it is no different weight loss. However, finding the motivation and purpose to lose weight can sometimes be difficult for many of us for a variety of reasons.


Fortunately, here are six ways to motivate yourself to lose weight!


In short, it is important to know why you want to lose weight, you have to accept that this will take time if you want to do it the healthy way, weight loss can be challenging due to age and lifestyles, setting small goals can lead to big changes, make sure to have fun with your weight loss, and lastly, reward yourself!

Why do you want to lose weight?

It is important to define the reason, or reasons, why you want to lose weight. This can be any number of reasons for a variety of people. For example, some may want to lose weight in order to improve their health, while others may want to fit back into older clothes, and some wish to play with their kids or grandkids without falling behind.


Kevin wanted to lose weight in order to gain a promotion at the military. Unfortunately, Kevin did not meet the standard in terms of physical appearance and performance that a member of the military must adhere to in order to be promoted.


However, with the help of Fast Fit’s Weight Loss Technology, Kevin was able to lose the weight and successfully promoted.

Whatever the reason may be, you must have a clear idea of why you want to lose weight.


After you’ve decided, you can now set your sights on producing a plan that will motivate and provide a purpose towards the end of your weight loss journey.


Knowing why you want to lose weight is a crucial first step to start your weight loss journey. Having this will help and remind you what you are working towards and will motivate you immensely. 

It takes time to lose weight

Weight loss can take time, although we may want to lose weight fast, it is often not healthy to lose weight so rapidly. On average, a person is recommended to lose about 1 or 2 pounds of their body weight to do so safely.


1 or 2 pounds doesn’t sound like a lot, however, over the course of time this will lead to great changes in your overall weight, appearance, and health. You’d be surprised at how much of an improvement losing a few pounds can do to your life.


It might seem simple to take the “easy” route and use diet pills, fad diets, and even surgery to reach your goals fast. Unfortunately, this can often lead to unpleasurable cosmetic results and it can be detrimental to your overall health.

Joni had always struggled with her weight and after such a long battle, she decided to finally give in to surgery to resolve her weight problem. Things were wonderful for a time, she had the body she wanted, but eventually she found that the weight was quickly coming back. As a last resort, she came to Fast Fit Body Sculpting and she now has maintained her weight without the need or surgery or diets.


Weight loss will take time to get rid off, just as it took time to accumulate those extra pounds. Wanting to rush and get fast results can often lead to poor experiences. Therefore, it is better to lose fat the healthy way.

There will be challenges

While on your weight loss journey, things will not always work out to the best case scenario. For some people, it might be difficult to do everything you planned to do due to daily life impeding on your goals.


A major factor that often goes unaccounted for is age.


Losing weight becomes more difficult for a variety of reasons, but it is mainly due to the hormonal change, the body is less efficient, and muscle loss which leads to increased fat production.


Another hidden threat is visceral fat which is the type of fat that will hide under the muscle and wrap itself around our organs, suffocating them and preventing them from functioning properly.

Here at Fast Fit Body Sculpting, we use technology to specifically target visceral fat to change your body from the inside out with maximum results and minimal effort. We have highly trained professionals that will aid you in your fat loss and weight loss journey.


Just as with anything else that is worth fighting for, weight loss can sometimes be a struggle. Age, lifestyle, and many other factors can impede our goals. However, there are always ways to go around these problems and it is always good to ask for help from others.

Set small goals for weight loss

Setting small goals has been shown to provide much better results when losing weight. This is because reaching small goals helps you to keep on going forward if you know that you are progressing, even if it is just a small step and not a giant leap.


For instance, if you decide to set small goals such as:

  • Walk for 30 minutes every day
  • Eat some vegetables at least once a day
  • Make small tweaks to snack choices


In comparison to setting large goals like:

  • Running 10 miles
  • Eating vegetables and fruits only
  • No snacking at all

Weight loss doesn't have to be miserable

Weight loss can be a fearsome topic for many. The thought of changing our lifestyle, our eating habits, and even considering exercising can cripple someone’s ability to progress with their weight loss journey.


However, weight loss doesn’t have to be miserable.


Have fun with your weight loss!


Try to find something you enjoy in order to keep yourself motivated towards your goal. Finding an enjoyable sport, a quirky cookbook, or a group of people that are trying to do the same will go a long way with making your weight loss a fun part of your life, not a chore or a hassle.


Nicole was often mistaken for a pregnant woman due to her weight. After a long time of having to explain that she was not, she was determined to lose the weight, but the gym and the diets did not help her or provide long lasting results.


Thankfully for her, after coming to Fast Fit Body Sculpting, Nicole was able to reach her goals with the help of our Weight Loss and Fat Loss Technology. On top of it all, she found that riding her bike to and from work provided her with a fun time and an activity that kept her moving and exercising.


Enjoying yourself and having fun with you weight loss will do more good in the long run because it will keep you going. Consistency will always come out on top. Meaning, it is better to do a little bit of something multiple times a week than to go all out in a single day.

Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself is a major part of your weight loss journey. It is important to remember not to be too hard on yourself throughout the process as stress and negativity can really deter you from making progress.

That being said, it is also important to surround yourself with positive influences and those who support the changes you are willing to make to improve your life, health, appearance, and overall well-being.

Why we lose muscle as we age


Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle due to age.


Age will bring about changes that we may not want to accept, but they may burst into reality for some of us when we begin to realize that we are not as strong or energetic as we once were.


In fact, studies have shown that around the age of 30, you will begin to experience muscle loss. This will come in both, muscle mass and muscle quality.


Each passing decade after the age of 30 can result in up to 5% muscle mass loss.

Other Causes


One of the causes for the reduction in muscle mass and muscle quality is the lack of activity in our day to day lives.


Work, family, and our lifestyle in general will dictate how much activity each of us is able to get.


For some of us, this may be a lot and for some not so much.


Nevertheless, reduced levels of activity will result in a loss of muscle. To double down on the negative effects of this, a loss of muscle is often accompanied by an increase of fat.


As such, this is likely to result in increased weight as a sign of the increased fat within our body.


Increased Inflammation

Similarly, age comes hand in hand with illnesses and a general drop in performance and efficiency.


As such, our health is likely to deteriorate and thus will impede any, or most, attempts at maintaining or building muscle.


Poor Nutrition

Yes, we are told this time and time again, but it holds true that the importance of nutrition is key to every aspect of our lives.


An imbalance or inappropriate combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can also have a major impact upon the body’s ability to maintain muscle while keeping body fat at bay.


However, a proper caloric intake becomes difficult to maintain as studies have shown that as our age progresses, we begin to consume less calories.



Following the trend of diminishing numbers, testosterone levels will decrease.


Unfortunately, the reduction of testosterone levels will aid in the loss of muscle mass.


Similarly, it will be harder to maintain muscle quality and mass with the onset of decreased testosterone.


Harvard Health Publishing has shown that the loss of testosterone begins to occur at a rate of about 1%-2% after the age of 40.

Surgical VS Non Surgical Body Contouring

body contouring surgical versus non surgical

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Typically, body contouring refers to procedures like liposuction, tummy tucks, or body lifts. However, surgery is not the only option available to people who want to lose body fat or remove excess skin.

In fact, there are non-surgical body contouring procedures that do not come with the safety risks of surgical body contouring.

That’s right, no pain, no downtime, no scarring, and most importantly, no destruction or removal of fat cells.

fast fit judy bna image

Shrinking Fat Cells

Here at Fast Fit Body Sculpting we focus on shrinking fat cells and not destroying them. When fat cells are removed, it might trigger the body to produce even more fat cells than before to make up for the difference. Similarly, fat cells might take in more toxicity and more fat just to fit in the extra fat that the removed fat cells would have held.

For this reason, Fast Fit’s Red Light Therapy technology works to shrink fat cells, thus allowing the fat cells to release the fat and all of the excess toxicity.

This way, fat cells are not being destroyed and your body is simply ridding itself of that dangerous excess fat with the help of Red Light Therapy.

Red Light Therapy

With Fast Fit’s Red Light Therapy technology is able to shape and contour your body in its entirety or specific trouble areas like the chin, neck, arms, chest, back, belly, butt, thighs, and ankles.

All of this is possible without having surgery. Additionally, you can even begin your session on the day of your consultation!

Red Light Therapy Benefits

  • Non-Invasive
  • No Surgery
  • No Downtime
  • No Bruising or Scarring
  • Targets Stubborn Fat
  • Tightens Skin
  • Reduce Visceral Fat

Meet with a Fat Loss Expert


Body Contouring Benefits

Through Fast Fit Body Contouring, you can expect the following results:

Target Trouble Spots:

  • Chin
  • Arms
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Butt
  • Belly
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Ankles

With Fast Fit, it’s not just about the fat, we also tight and tone your skin after the massive weight loss. This way, your figure and body will look and feel its best without having sagging skin.


Surgical Procedures: Liposuction

Liposuction is a procedure which removes fat from the body in specified areas. This form of surgical body contouring is capable of targeting many areas of the body such as the chin, stomach, and thighs.

Unfortunately, there are a variety of risks and safety concerns associated with liposuction.

Target Trouble Spots:

  • Scarring
  • Anesthesia complications
  • Nerve damage
  • Dimpled or Bumpy Skin
  • Burns
  • Swelling
  • Puncture wounds
  • Damage to other organs
  • Blood Clots
  • Fat Clots
  • Skin color changes
  • Numbness
  • Infections
  • Heart and Kidney problems
  • Death

Is Non-Surgical Body Contouring for you?

Yes! Non-surgical body contouring is for everyone. All sizes, weights, and ages. Through the years, Fast Fit Body Sculpting has helped thousands of women and men lose thousands of pounds of fat and inches.

All of this being possible with the help of Fast Fit’s Red Light Therapy Technology.

Meet with a Fat Loss Expert​

Fast Fit Body Sculpting Before and After


Thousands of Transformations

Throughout the years we have helped thousands of people help themselves with our patent-pending Red Light Therapy Technology.

It is amazing to see the vast change in people when they walk through our doors on day one and when they walk out of them on their final session.

In truth, people's lives are changing due to the magic that technology is able to do for us to lose that stubborn belly fat.

Meet with a Fat Loss Expert​


Women's Body Sculpting

Dieting, exercise, pills, and perhaps even surgery are all things that our clients have tried in the past.

Yes, those things can have some results for some people and in other cases, the results may only be temporary.

Meaning, diets, rigorous exercise routines, pills, and surgery are not sustainable ways to keep the weight off.

Dieting, exercising, and surgery do not address the source of the issue appropriately or in a healthy manner.

Visceral Fat is often the root of the problem when we have tried everything and anything to lose weight.

However, at Fast Fit, we have designed a system that specifically focuses on reducing fat all around the body, even the most stubborn areas like the hips, thighs, chin, and belly.

Men's Body Sculpting

Yes, we have thousands of men coming in to fast fit every year, not just women.

Men who want to shave off the extra pounds, men who want to look and feel better, and those who want to lose fat to perform even better at sports.

What is Body Sculpting?

Body Sculpting refers to a treatment or service that is able to get rid of fat or as a solution to weight loss. There are surgical and non-surgical procedures available.

However, due to the risks, pain, and difficulties that weight loss, or fat loss, surgery has, non-surgical treatments have become more popular in recent years.

Unfortunately, there are many services and products that will destroy fat cells.

While the destruction of fat cells might be a solution in the beginning, destroying fat cells could make things worse in the future.

fast fit detox and cleanse fat loss

*Real Fast Fit Client After Body Sculpting*

We Shrink Fat Cells

Due to the negative effects of destroying fat cells (fat cells multiplying, bruising, and increased fat cell production), Fast Fit shrinks fat cells.

You can body sculpt with Fast Fit’s Red Light Therapy in a safe, non-surgical, and natural process.

Benefits of Shrinking Fat

Losing weight and losing fat with Fast Fit's Red Light Technology:

  • No Surgical Procedures
  • No Downtime
  • Reduce Visceral Fat
  • No Pain

Is Body Sculpting Safe?

*Real Fast Fit Clients*

Absolutely! Body Sculpting with Fast Fit’s Red Light Technology is safe, non-invasive, non-surgical, and pain free!

Unlike other procedures, Fast Fit’s Body Sculpting procedure shrinks fat cells and does not destroy fat cells.

Red Light Technology has been proven to be safe for use on people. In fact, it has been used for years as a solution to skin complications.

Fast Fit Is Safe

  • No Bruising
  • Painless
  • Zero Downtime
  • No Surgery
  • Safe For All Ages
  • Safe For All Weights

Body Sculpting | Before and After

With Red Light Therapy Technology at Fast Fit Body Sculpting, people have been able to achieve incredible results.

For starters, there is Joni and Patricia who were both able to go above and beyond what they were expecting. Both of them had tried everything to lose the fat and drop the weight, but nothing worked.

Patricia hopped from meal one diet to the other and exercise routines seemed to be doing nothing for her.

Joni's Body Sculpting Review

Joni, had tried it all, even a surgery that proved to be insufficient and was unhappy with her results.

Patricia's Body Sculpting Review

Patricia hopped from one meal plan to another, from diet to diet, and a variety of exercise routines seemed to be doing nothing for her.

Come in for a Consultation

Body Fat Analysis
or Health Assessment
